Retrofit Interior

Retrofit Interior (RI) is ideal for replacing existing relay panel electronics and relays with a single back plate mounted assembly. RI Installation retains the original line voltage wire, conduit, and enclosure reducing labor as well as material cost. RI may be scheduled from any BACnet BAS and is compatible with most low voltage switches, occupancy sensors, and light level sensors. RIs can accommodate up to 48 Lighting Tough Relays (LTR).

I/O Modules

RO04 (Relay Outputs with Load Status)
RE04 (UL924 Relay Outputs with Load Status)
TS02 (Tri-State Outputs)
TM03 (Power Supply & Termination)

AO08 (Analog Outputs)
AU48 (Analog Outputs and Universal Inputs)
DU88 (Digital Outputs and Universal Inputs)
CM (Control Module)
UI16 (Universal Inputs)

Detail Drawings

Standards – Class I
Standards – Class II – IOM
Standards – Class II – CM

Supporting Documents

Below please find Typical Zone Wiring Drawings and Detail Drawings pertaining to the Retrofit Interior.

Detail Drawings

Layout & Standards
Dead Front Cover Installation Procedure

Termination Guides

  Retrofit Termination Guide

Wiring Drawings

Detail Sheet 100 – Class I
Detail Sheet 200 – Class II
Detail Sheet 300 – CAN

Size / Type

C Size / Normal
C Size / UL 924
D Size / Normal
D Size / UL 924
E Size / Normal
E Size / UL 924
F Size / Normal
F Size / UL 924
G Size / Normal
G Size / UL 924