Navigating Lighting Control System Retrofits: Common Questions and Blue Ridge Technologies Solutions

by | Jun 3, 2024 | Facility Management, Lighting Retrofit

Lighting Control Retrofits

Lighting control retrofits represent a strategic investment for any facility wanting to replace non-operating systems or upgrade its system to improve energy efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance occupant comfort. However, undertaking a lighting control system retrofit involves carefully considering several factors and options. As an industry leader, Blue Ridge Technologies offers innovative solutions that address the issues and challenges faced by facility managers and building owners embarking on retrofit projects. This blog post explores these questions and demonstrates how Blue Ridge Technologies’ products provide the answers.

Common Questions About Lighting Retrofits

What are the benefits of a lighting retrofit?

Retrofitting lighting control systems often leads to significant energy savings, reduced maintenance costs, improved lighting quality, and enhanced environments. These retrofits can also contribute to sustainability goals and improve occupant productivity and comfort.

How can I ensure the retrofit will be energy-efficient and cost-effective?

Evaluating a lighting control retrofit’s energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness involves comparing current energy use with projected post-retrofit performance, considering the initial investment and long-term savings.

Can a retrofit improve lighting quality and occupant comfort?

When combined with networked lighting controls, modern lighting solutions offer superior light quality, including better color rendering and more uniform distribution, which can significantly impact occupant comfort and productivity.

What are the options for integrating lighting controls?

Integrating networked lighting controls with a Facility Automation system allows for greater flexibility and efficiency. Features include shared occupancy sensing, daylight harvesting, and remotely adjustable settings.

How can I ensure the retrofit is scalable and adaptable to future needs?

Choosing a system that is modular and compatible with existing building management systems based on industry communication standards can provide the flexibility to adapt and scale as needs evolve.

Blue Ridge Technologies’ Retrofit Solutions

Blue Ridge Technologies is the leader in integrating and unifying lighting control systems with building automation systems, offering a range of products that unlock the benefits of retrofitting your lighting control system. Our expert knowledge and experience with a wide variety of third-party systems enable us to design a solution tailored to your facility’s specific requirements.

M³ Platform:

The M³ Platform provides a modular and scalable solution that seamlessly integrates our networked lighting control systems with building management systems (BMS). M³ is native BACnet, the industry standard for network BMS communication, eliminating the need for separate proprietary networks. M³ seamlessly enables centralized control and monitoring of energy usage via the user’s preferred BMS front end.

M³ Key Features:

  • Modular Hardware Designed to Leverage Your Existing Electrical Infrastructure
  • Precise Control and Dimming of Lighting Circuits, Adaptable to Small and Large-Scale Projects
  • Time of Day Scheduling
  • Multi-Mode Operation
  • Occupancy Sensing
  • Daylight Harvesting
  • Free Software and Tools


Lighting control system retrofits offer a promising avenue for facilities wanting to enhance energy efficiency, reduce costs, and improve occupant comfort. Blue Ridge Technologies is uniquely positioned as a comprehensive lighting control system retrofit solution provider. We can answer your questions about the benefits, cost-effectiveness, lighting quality, control integration, and future scalability. Their range of products—from unified lighting control systems to modular hardware and innovative software tools—ensures that you can confidently navigate the retrofit process, achieving the goals of a more sustainable, efficient, and comfortable environment.

Want More Information about Lighting Control System Retrofits?